A Reallusion Theatre Production
Written by Qianqian Chen; Directed by Peizhi Zeng
Role: Actor
✭✭✭ - "Robin Khor Yong Kuan is excellent as Tian"
Jing is getting married to her boyfriend Tian. After all these years of a long-distance relationship in the U.S., the young couple finally decides to go back to China for their own home. However, as the fragmented flashbacks of old acquaintances start haunting her, she can barely tell between reality and her illusion of hidden fears and desires. Is she in a dream? In the streams of blurred consciousness, she begins to question each of her choices in life and who she really is. How do people fall in and out of love? What is the safety net that every human being is looking for? This play raises questions about all these things that might define the sense of belonging -- love, marriage, family, location, cultural identification, and more.
Eventually, will you land in one piece?
Performance dates: 22 - 27 April 2019 at Etcetera Theatre Camden, London
在美国留学的景终于要结束爱情长跑和异地恋的男友昊天结婚了。他们决定一毕业就离开美国,回到中国安家。然而就在婚礼前夕,她对于自己真正要的是什么产生了怀疑。她的室友,泰国女孩 Trada 却已经信心满满地准备做一个美国新娘,新郎是一个从不把自己当中国人的三代华裔。虽然在这之前,她深爱过一个意大利人,而他只喜欢金发美女。在这里,有的人在寻找地方,有的人在寻找关系,有的人在寻找身份,有的人在寻找意义……而最终这些都编织成一张保护我们的网。
演出日期:2019年4月22日 - 27日于伦敦卡姆登 Etcetera 剧场